
Donald Trump's Abuse of the Nation

When Donald Trump won the 2016 election, I remember pacing around my house in the early hours of the morning, disheartened for my nation and worried for my future. I recognized in Donald Trump then what has only been magnified and glorified now: the treacherous heart of a power-hungry man. If you are ready to write me off as a rabid liberal, I plead with you to give me a little more time. I am a well-educated and intelligent person who was raised heavily entrenched in Christian conservatism; I worked as a registered lobbyist for a conservative corporation and the majority of my education specialized in competitive speech and debate, in which recognizing poor logic and argumentation became implicit to my automatic processing. I spent hours becoming familiar with news organizations and think tanks, and spent 2 years working in journalism and studying ethical reporting. I’ve also spent years of my college career devoted to studying the principles of ethics and virtue. I am a proud Christ-
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